
We love blogging for our clients - but we also love it when you take a little time to get involved to add personal touches to the blogs to make them even more share-worthy.

One of our newly launched clients, Lee's Foodservice Parts & Repairs went the extra mile this week and wrote their own blog post that involved some history, a famous gangster, and a speakeasy... and the post still had to do with a service call to install a walk-in cooler in Chicago! Here's an excerpt from the post to grab your interest:

As we walked the site I was told that Al Capone once operated a Speakeasy in the building. Aha, a mystery! Maybe “hit list” was a poor choice of words but now I was really intrigued! Once the client mentioned Al Capone and Speakeasy I was hooked. I always felt that I was born in the wrong era (and if you saw my iPod playlist you would agree). But Chicago in the Twenties, prohibition, Al Capone, okay I admit that suddenly images of old gangster movies started playing in my head…but I digress.

After reviewing the site there were only two options; either run a copper-drain line eighty feet through two walls at an excessive expense to my client or install a Condensate Pan at a much lower cost. Not surprisingly our client chose option two and that was in his best interest and ours. We truly believe we cannot build lasting relationships by only looking out for our bottom line. We are in this together! Okay back to the cool stuff…

Sales Manager Dan Mindo penned the post and has definitely contributed quite a gem to his website's collection of content.

How can you do the same? We suggest looking around to find the unique or exciting in the everyday mundane details. Sure you go on several service calls, but can you put your finger on something that made it unique? Or are there fun details about other experiences you have had in your industry? Our advice is don't be shy! Feel free to send your Online Marketing Coordinator a post any time and we'll have one of our expert SEO Specialists take a look to make sure it has a catchy title and can contribute to your online marketing strategy.

You can also post your own blogs any time if you like - but we're always here to do it for you.

What original content ideas can you think of? Remember, you're the expert in your area. What makes it a great place to work and live? Share that with your readers, and the search engines will love it too!