How a Better Website Helps Customers Find Your Business
January 19, 2024
Your website isn’t just a home for your business on the web–it’s also a 24/7 salesman that never sleeps, never tires, and can even help you wake up to leads that you can then turn into customers.
It’s a powerful business solution, but simply having a website doesn’t guarantee any of those benefits. It needs to meet multiple criteria to get in front of potential customers and make them want to hire your services.
The website you have right now checks a box, but it could be better and help more customers find your business. Here’s how:

Make Your Content Readable
Your site can’t properly succeed unless you appease the almighty Google, and there’s more than one way to do that. In fact, there are over 200 ranking factors that Google uses to decide how it’s going to display your website in search results.
It would be a fool’s errand to focus on all of them, and not all ranking factors hold the same weight. One of the higher-ranking factors is readability: how you structure your content, how smoothly it reads, and how long it captures people’s attention.
The longer a visitor stays on your site, the more Google will reward that site with rankings. It signals to the algorithm that people either enjoy that result or find it useful since it’s keeping their attention. Making your content readable is how you hold that attention.
But how do you do this? It’s the perfect mix of staying focused on the reason the visitor found your site in the first place (like you, who’s still reading), cutting out the fluff, and spacing content appropriately.
It should hold value, solve a problem, but also be pleasing to read–especially on smartphone screens.
Make Sure Your Website Loads Quickly & Is Mobile Friendly
Google indexes websites on a mobile-first basis. That means websites that perform well on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets will do better in the overall search rankings.
It seems unfair until you realize that nearly 60% of all daily internet traffic stems from mobile devices in the first place. Most of them are smartphones.
Because their capabilities are limited, smartphones don't load quickly when they try to bring up too much information at once. At the end of the day, all the images, text, and schema on your website is a bunch of code, and that code is data.
Faster websites load quicker, and those websites do well. Google uses page loading speed as a big factor, but your website also has to look good and be appealing to visitors. That's where the alchemy of website design comes in: keeping it fast while making it look great.

Focus on Good Design to Help Users Solve Problems
Even if that problem is just finding the exact type of service they want quickly (however niche that service is). A trait of good design is helping users navigate without frustration, otherwise they associate negative emotions with trying to use your website.
This is where UX/UI design comes in: essential parts of building a website. Without attention to UX/UI, it sends prospects back to the search results, and ensures that they don't follow the sales funnel on your website.
Keep Adding Content
Your website doesn't thrive unless new, original content is added on a recurring basis. Better websites push out more content. What do we mean by better? Sites that perform better than their competitor sites.
Online, it doesn't matter which contractor can install air conditioners better, or water heaters faster, or provide better attention to detail–it matters that they have enough content to support their presence.
Yes, those things matter in a real-world application, but you're never going to get to that point unless visitors can find you over your local competition.

We Make Better Websites
With our talented designers, SEO specialists, and dedicated content team, we create stunning and index-worthy websites that put your business on the right track to get traction online. Talk to us today to find out how we can set you up with a phenomenal website that matches the top-tier quality services you provide to your customers.